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What Makes Pappy the Pooper Scooper Different?

Proudly Serving Collin, Hunt, Dallas, Kaufman & Rockwall Counties

We enjoy what we do – happy clients are what makes us different. When it comes down to it, we are more than just a pet waste removal service. We care about you and your pet. We are friendly, dependable, and affordable. We work to build relationships with our clients so they can enjoy life more – just as much as we enjoy being the Pappy the Pooper Scooper.

With Pappy, One Less Thing to Worry About Dog Poop Cleanup

Scheduled Cleaning Services

Pappy’s scheduled services are available as twice-a-week, weekly, or every 2nd week.

Responsible Disposal

We pick up and dispose into landfills that are approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). This is not optional and is included in Pappy’s pricing.

Deodorizing, Sanitizing, & Disinfecting Services

Pappy can apply penetrating pet-friendly solutions to (1) safely deodorize and sanitize lawn areas and (2) deodorize and disinfect artificial turf and other hard surfaces.

Your Dog’s Business Is Ours

Pappy the Pooper Scooper is a licensed, insured, and bonded business. Our services are provided with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If not fully satisfied, call within 24 hours of provided service and Pappy will return to make necessary modifications.

Request Free Quote for Pappy’s Service