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Professional Dog Poop Cleanup in Lavon, TX

Are you tired of dealing with the mess your furry friends leave behind? Pappy the Pooper Scooper is here to help! We offer professional dog poop cleanup services in Lavon, TX, so you can spend more time enjoying your yard and less time cleaning up after your pets.

Why Choose Pappy the Pooper Scooper?

We pride ourselves on providing top-notch service to keep your yard clean and safe. Here are just a few reasons why you can be confident choosing us:

Flexible Scheduling

Customize a cleaning program that fits your schedule.

Affordable Pricing

Enjoy flat rates with no hidden fees.

No Contracts

Use our services as needed without any long-term commitments.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

If you're not completely satisfied, contact us within 24 hours, and we'll make it right.

Thorough Cleaning

Our double-grid scooping pattern ensures no mess is left behind.

Licensed, Insured, and Bonded

Peace of mind knowing your property is in good hands.

Sanitized Equipment

Footwear and equipment are sanitized before entering your property.

Text Notifications

Receive text messages when we arrive and leave your property.

Service Options Tailored for You

We offer a variety of service options to fit your needs:

  • One-Time Cleanings – Perfect for special occasions or after a long period of neglect.
  • Weekly Cleaning – Keep your yard consistently clean with regular visits.
  • Twice-a-Week Cleaning – For households with multiple pets or higher traffic areas.
  • Every-Two-Weeks Cleaning – A budget-friendly option for maintaining cleanliness.
  • Pappy’s Pail for Picked-Up Poop Rentals – Convenient solutions for ongoing waste management.

Keeping Your Pets Safe

Your pets’ safety is our priority. We take several measures to ensure a safe environment for them:

  • Secure Gates – All gates are securely closed when we leave.
  • Health Alerts – We’ll inform you if we notice anything unusual in your pet’s waste.
  • Professional Appearance – Our team is uniformed for easy identification.

Schedule Your Poop Scooping Services in Lavon, TX

Ready to enjoy a cleaner, safer yard? Schedule your pet poop services with Pappy the Pooper Scooper in Lavon, TX today. Experience the peace of mind that comes with a poop-free yard and a more sanitary environment for your family, pets, and friends. Our services are available for homeowners, businesses, public parks, and more!

Request Free Quote for Pappy’s Service