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Pappy’s Basic Poop Scoop Fees

Weekly Cleaning*


per visit

Twice a Week Cleaning*


per visit
Basic Poop Scoop fees based upon one dog per yard, 1/8 acre fenced yard, and normal property conditions. If more than one dog, add $2.00 for each additional dog. If yard is larger than 1/8 acre, Pappy will determine an additional fee at time of first Poop Scoop visit.

Every 2nd Week Cleaning*


per visit

One-time Cleaning for Monthly Clients


For 1/2 hour of cleaning + $12.50 for each additional completed 15-minute increment of cleaning time

One-Time Cleaning for Non-Monthly Clients


for 1 hour of cleaning + $15 for each additional completed 15-minute increment of cleaning time

One-time Cleaning for Monthly Clients

For 1/2 hour of cleaning + $12.50 for each additional completed 15-minute increment of cleaning time

One-Time Cleaning for Non-Monthly Clients

For 1 hour of cleaning + $15 for each additional completed 15-minute increment of cleaning time

Pooper Scooper

Elective Services & Prices

Pappy’s Pail (With Lid) for Picked-Up Puppy Poop

This is a lined 5-gallon bucket with lid that monthly customers can use for temporary containment of dog poop and/or used kitty litter. Pappy cleans and removes the pail’s contents during regular scooping services

starting at


per month

Odor control/sanitizing for backyard grassy area –

Minimum Fee $10 (Selected Spots)

Odor control/sanitizing for backyard grassy area –

Minimum Fee $50 (Area Treatment)

Odor control/disinfecting hard surfaces, i.e., artificial grass, patios, etc. –

Minimum Fee $50 (Area Treatment)

Our Process

In addition to scooping in backyards, Pappy also scoops in front yards, on rocky/pebbled areas, under shrubs, in parks, and over trails. Simply stated, wherever you want us to scoop, we will do it! We also provide EPA-approved, earth-friendly deodorizer and sanitizer treatments to high dog waste and urine areas. These treatments are safe for use in grassy areas. When applied, they immediately help neutralize odor-causing bacteria and are effective against canine viruses, including distemper, E. Coli, and parvovirus. When sprayed onto inorganic materials such as artificial turf, cement areas, and painted decks, treatments also deodorize and disinfect surfaces. Prices for elective scooping services and/or deodorizer, sanitizer, and disinfectant treatments are based upon the size of the area to be scooped and/or treated and conditions. Prices for elective scooping services and/or deodorizer, sanitizer, and disinfectant treatments are based upon the size of the area to be scooped and/or treated and conditions. Call us to get a free price quote for any of these add-on services!

Applicable state/local sales taxes will be added to all prices for services.
10% discount available upon request for active and retired military, law enforcement, and firefighter persons & seniors over 65.


Texas and American Flags

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