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Reliable Pet Poop Scooping in Sunnyvale, TX

Why spend another moment worrying about pet waste in your backyard? Pappy the Pooper Scooper specializes in professional dog poop scooping and removal in

Sunnyvale, TX ensuring a spotless outdoor area for you and your furry friends. Our skilled team employs a meticulous double-grid pattern, leaving no trace behind. Each visit confirms our commitment to a pristine yard so you can relax and enjoy your space without worrying about your next step.

dog outside

Recognized for Dependable Service

We’re not just any service. We’re your trusted partner in maintaining a clean environment. Our company is a BBB-recognized business in North Central Texas, licensed, insured, and bonded. We uphold the highest standards of service quality and customer satisfaction, bringing professionalism and peace of mind to every job.

Our Services Go Beyond Scooping Poop

Our service options extend beyond waste pickup and removal. You can add deodorization, sanitizing, and disinfecting to ensure your yard is clean and hygienic. You can also choose Pappy’s Pail for Picked-up Puppy Poop, a designated container for all collected waste, available for just $10 a month. It’s a comprehensive solution designed to make pet ownership as joyous as it should be — without the unpleasant tasks.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Choosing us means hassle-free service. If something doesn’t seem right or you believe we’ve missed a spot, inform us within 24 hours, and we’ll correct it at no extra charge. Our aim? To exceed expectations and ensure your complete satisfaction. With Pappy the Pooper Scooper, your yard is in good hands.

Sunnyvale, TX Poop Pickup

Serving the Sunnyvale, TX Community

Our solutions cover homes, HOAs, property managers, apartment complexes, condos, public parks, commercial properties, and more in Rockwall. Every client is a priority, and our services are tailored to meet diverse needs across the community.

Call for Pet Scooping Services in Sunnyvale, TX

Say goodbye to the inconvenience of picking up after your furry friend. Contact Pappy the Pooper Scooper today for thorough pet cleaning services in

Sunnyvale, TX for a cleaner, more enjoyable outdoor space.

Request Free Quote for Pappy’s Service