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Dog Poop Cleanup for Properties in Whitehead Texas

Looking for unmatched dog waste removal services in Whitehead Texas? Pappy the Pooper Scooper is here to keep your yard free of dog droppings, allowing you to spend more quality time with your pets and less time worrying about cleanup. Trust our dedicated team to create happier homes and healthier outdoor spaces, so you can enjoy your time outdoors without the hassle of stepping in minefields!

dog laying outside

Why Choose Pappy?

Discover the Pappy the Pooper Scooper difference:

  • Flexibility That Fits
    We adapt our scheduling to meet your needs, ensuring you receive consistent and timely service.Commitment to Excellence
    Licensed, insured, and bonded, we prioritize quality and trust with every scoop, proudly recognized by the BBB of North Central Texas.

    Peace of Mind
    Our unique service guarantees cleanliness while keeping an eye on your pet’s health. Enjoy total transparency with text updates on any abnormal findings.

Poop Scooping Services and More

We specialize in professional dog waste removal, ensuring a clean and healthy environment for you and your pets. Our flexible services include weekly, bi-weekly, twice-a-week, or one-time cleanings tailored to your needs. We use a meticulous double-grid pattern for thorough coverage, leaving no remnants behind.

In addition to scooping, we offer optional deodorization, sanitizing, and disinfecting services to keep your yard fresh. For added convenience, you can rent Pappy’s Pail for just $10 a month, making waste disposal effortless!

Our Service Promise

We are unwavering in our commitment to our clients, dedicated to removing the hassle of dog waste management from your daily life. Here’s why our clients trust us:

Count on us for dependable service with a satisfaction guarantee. We’re on time, every time.

Stay informed with timely text alerts upon our arrival and completion of service.

Safety First
We prioritize your pet’s safety by ensuring gates are securely closed after each visit, using sanitized equipment for every property.

Don’t Settle for #2, Choose the #1 Pooper Scooper in Whitehead Texas

Pappy the Pooper Scooper proudly serves dog and property owners throughout

Whitehead Texas. Whether you need a one-time cleanup to prepare for a backyard BBQ or want to schedule recurring services to keep your yard free of pet droppings, we’re more than ready to take the dirty work off your hands.

Request Free Quote for Pappy’s Service